Puerto Rico

Average temperature, rainfall and snowfall information is available for the following climate stations in Puerto Rico

Official name:Commonwealth of Puerto Rico
Capital:San Juan
Area:total: 9,104 sq km
water: 145 sq km
land: 8,959 sq km
Climate:tropical marine, mild; little seasonal temperature variation
Location:Caribbean, island between the Caribbean Sea and the North Atlantic Ocean, east of the Dominican Republic
Geographic coordinates:18 15 N, 66 30 W
Comparative Area:slightly less than three times the size of Rhode Island
Land boundaries:0 km
Coastline:501 km
Terrain:mostly mountains, with coastal plain belt in north; mountains precipitous to sea on west coast; sandy beaches along most coastal areas
Elevation extremes:lowest point: Caribbean Sea 0 m
highest point: Cerro de Punta 1,338 m

Map of Puerto Rico

Map of Puerto Rico

Portions of this site are based on the CIA World Fact Book, a public-domain work
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